
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Former ODM parliamentary aspirant is dead

South Mugirango parliamentary candidate Ibrahim Ochoi of ODM and Water minister Charity Ngilu at a campaign meeting. The constituency’s by-election was held in June. Photo/JACKLINE MORAA

Posted Monday, August 30 2010 at 18:11

Former ODM South-Mugirango parliamentary aspirant Ibrahim Ochoi is dead - three months after staging an ambitious bid for the seat.

Ochoi finished third in the June by-elections behind Manson Nyamweya (Ford People) and Omingo Magara (PDM).

" I find this hard to believe and to accept. As a party, the Orange Democratic Movement has lost a politician of great promise. The people of South Mugirango and the country have equally lost a man who held a lot of promise for our people," Prime Minister Raila Odinga said in statement.

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