
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fellow Kenyans

Fellow Kenyans,

After a consultative and comprehensive constitution review process, we have now come to a defining moment in our nation's history.

Tomorrow, Kenyans will embark on a journey that, will herald a new chapter in our nation's rich history.

Tomorrow, you will be called upon to participate by voting in the referendum on the proposed constitution. I, appeal to you all to seize the moment, and exercise your constitutional right and vote to determine the destiny of our country. The constitution is, about our nation, our people, our hopes and aspirations.

Tomorrow, we cast our votes to determine, how we want our country governed. We vote for a future of hope, progress and stability.† I, appeal to Kenyans to turn out and cast their votes in large numbers.

Let us do so peacefully. Let us also embrace one another as brothers and sisters even after the referendum.

God placed us in a beautiful country, Kenya. Let us remain united and focused on the work ahead.† As we recite from our National Anthem "may

we dwell in Unity, peace and Liberty." Let us all play our role in creating a great Kenyan nation, at peace with itself and respected among the greater family of nations.

I assure you all that, security has been stepped up in all parts of the country.

Tomorrow, let us all go out and vote peacefully. Thereafter let us get back to undertaking the urgent work of nation building and creating opportunities for our people in this great land we call our home.

Thank you and God bless you all.

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