
Thursday, July 29, 2010

‘Yes’ team hogging stadiums, claim ‘No’

Posted Wednesday, July 28 2010 at 21:44

The Reds on Wednesday accused the Greens of frustrating their campaigns by booking all venues.

However, they said they will not be cowed by their rival’s acts and vowed to take their campaigns everywhere in the run-up to the referendum.

“They should be bold and face us instead of using archaic ways of doing things,” said Higher Education minister William Ruto.

Stadium booked for a week

Speaking at a rally in Daraja Mbili in Kisii, he said the Gusii Stadium was booked by the ‘Yes’ camp for a week.

Mr Ruto was accompanied by Information minister Samuel Poghisio, Kuria MP Alfred Machage and Kisii mayor Samuel Nyangeso.

Mr Ruto asked the people to read the proposed constitution carefully before casting their ballots on Wednesday next week.

He said both the ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ camps want a new constitution “but not one with loopholes.” Mr Ruto also said that there was no equality in the distribution of counties.

Mr Poghisio asked the Kisii to reject the proposed constitution, adding: “If you pass it the way it is, it will take years to amend. It is better to reject it, amend it and then pass it.”

Mr Machage said the constitution will determine the country’s destiny. Mr Nyangeso, who is leading ‘No’ campaigns in the region, said he did not care if all MPs from the region backed the proposed constitution.

“Creating new districts will not help the community, what will help is the counties where resources will be distributed to, the people” Mr Nyangeso said.

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