
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Saitoti takes 'Yes' campaign to Kajiado

KAJIADO, Kenya, Jul 25- A funds-raising drive for a bursary programme in North Kajiado constituency on Saturday turned into a 'Yes' campaign drive when area MP and Internal Security Minister George Saitoti called on residents to endorse the proposed Constitution.

Prof Saitoti who also asked his constituents not to be hoodwinked into rejecting the document by those propagating lies said the proposed law contained provisions that would enable children access free primary and secondary education.

He urged them to support the proposed document as it would help Kenya realise her reform agenda.

"There are some things that you are being told that are not honest. There is no land which will be taken from you. The Constitution itself protects you from unlawful and forceful evictions. No one has the right to take away someone's property. Even your shoe will not be taken away," he said.

Politician Moses Sakuda who was among the invited guests argued that Kenyans should not worry about the implications and commitments that would be required once the new law came into place.

"I don't think we should put the cart before the horse. Let us first wait for August 4th and then we will see what will happen next. I don't really think it will strain the Exchequer. It will create a good society and attract investors," he said.

He also asked Kenyans to remain peaceful throughout the constitutional review period further proposing that the 'Yes' and 'No' camps meet after the referendum so as to bring Kenyans together.

"We are all Kenyans whether we vote for or against the document. So politicians and religious leaders in the two sides should come together and reason together and then after that let the government put a programme that will begin to enhance the cohesiveness of people," he said.

The chief guest at the event Jimmy Kibaki also took the opportunity to campaign for the proposed law saying the contentious issues would be resolved after August 4 and asked Kenyans to remain united.

"If Uhuru and Raila can campaign for this document together then that it is a big sign of good things. And for those saying the document is not perfect, if you go to school and get 95 percent won't it be an A? let us give Kenya a new document," he urged.

However a religious leader who took to the podium before Jimmy spoke, asked the residents to vote against the proposed law. He argued that the contents of the document went against the doctrines of Christian beliefs.

"We are not afraid of saying 'No' and we will continue saying so because we do not accept some of the things in that law. We must reject this law," he said.

Prof Saitoti also asked the residents to uphold the value of education as it was the key to development and growth.

"This is a ceremony to help children who must get education because education is the back drop of any society. And I know that when you educate a child, you give him or her the power to determine his own destiny anywhere in the world," he said.

The Keekonyokie South Bursary Programme has been raising funds for children's education on annual basis. It has so far helped 1,453 students access education. The highest amount the bursary has raised since its inception is Sh2.6 million.

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