Friday, July 2, 2010

Minister reaches out to teachers

Education minister Prof Sam Ongeri has appealed to teachers to give dialogue a chance as the government works out modalities of implementing their pay hike.

Prof. assured the teachers that the government is committed to implementing the remaining 20% increment by July 2011.

He appealed to the teachers to be compassionate to pupils and students who will ultimately bear the brunt if teachers make good their threat to strike.

Speaking in Dagoretti Friday when he presided over a district education day, Ongeri took issue with those opposed to the government's intention to hire intern teachers saying the country is facing an acute shortage of teachers that requires immediate intervention adding that lack of resources is hindering the government from employing six thousand teachers.

Meanwhile, the National Cohesion and Integration Commission has called for the review of the quota system in secondary schools to promote national integration among the youths.

The chairman, Dr. Mzalendo Kibunja, said instead of the current system where 85% of students admitted in secondary schools must come from the locality, the system should be reversed and instead only 15% should come from the area while 85% come from outside areas to enable students learn to co-exist.

Speaking in Eldoret, Dr. Kibunja however, said this can only be possible if all schools are well equipped so that parents are comfortable sending their children to any school.

The chairman said while the government was implementing the one third rule on employment in public institutions, it should also look into the posting of public officers to prevent a situation whereby most public officers come from the same region leading to the use of vernacular language in public offices.

Dr. Kibunja said this should stop as some people may not feel comfortable when seeking services from public offices only to get people conversing in their mother tongue.

The NCIC chairman, however, said legislating of various laws may not do much in addressing the problem of tribalism but said what was important was the change of attitude among Kenyans.

He said the commission was not supporting either side in the constitutional debate but it's main objective was to partner with other organizations like the media to ensure not only a peaceful referendum but also peaceful 2012 elections.

He said days of using ethnicity and religion to mobilize Kenyans in an election were long gone and that any leader who does not recognize the diversity of Kenyans had no business seeking any position of leadership.

Dr. Kibunja said he wanted wananchi to practice their democratic right without threats from any side.

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