
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Kibaki to lead final Yes rally in Nairobi

Posted Thursday, July 29 2010 at 16:59

President Kibaki will hold a major final Yes rally in Nairobi on August 2, Public Health minister Beth Mugo has said.

Mrs Mugo urged Nairobi residents to attend the Uhuru Park rally in large numbers and vote for the proposed Constitution.

"We want this constitution to pass with a huge margin so that it is seen to belong to all Kenyans," she said during a rally to drum up support for the proposed Constitution in her Dagoretti constituency Thursday.

The minster, who was accompanied by Water assistant minister Mwangi Kiunjuri and Embakasi MP Ferdinand Waititu, also urged Church leaders to change their stand and support the passage of the proposed Constitution for a united Kenya.

She said contentious issues would be amended after Kenyans vote in favour of the document at the August 4 referendum.

Mr Kiunjuri took issue with former president Moi for hitting out at President Kibaki's reform record.

The Laikipia East MP said Mr Moi should be made to return his Karbanet Gardens home to the government since it is supposed to be the Vice President's residence'

"We are now spending Sh200m to build a new house for the VP while the former president keeps a house meant for the VP," he said.

He said it is necessary for Mr Moi to return the house "so that Kibaki doesn't also refuse to leave State House when his term expires".

Mr Kiunjuri accused Mr Moi of promoting tribalism during his 24-year rule and destroying all key institutions inherited from the Kenyatta Government.

"Kenyans were oppressed for long, Moi only succeeded in replacing tarmac roads with murram ones. The 1992 and 97 tribal clashes also occurred while he was at the helm but he never prosecuted anybody and should now keep quiet," he said.

"Kenyans have forgiven Mr Moi but will never forget his misrule."

Mr Moi had accused President Kibaki of reneging on his pledge to deliver a new constitution for Kenyans within 100 days in office during presidential campaigns in 2002.

The former president was reacting to accusations by the President of misleading Kenyans on the contents of the proposed Constitution. President Kibaki also said Mr Moi had failed on reforms despite ruling Kenya for 24 years.

Campaigning for the proposed Constitution, the leaders said it will ensure better lives for all Kenyans.

They said the proposed law entrenches free elementary education, will ensure health care to all, better housing, and proper distribution of resources.

Mr Waititu said he hoped Embakasi constituency, which is the most populous in the country, will be split into three and Dagoretti into two if the proposed Constitution passes. He said the split will benefit the constituents from government resources at the grassroots.

"This is a poor man's constitution and will help uplift many from poverty. The youth, women, people with disabilities will also be represented in decision making bodies," said the Embakasi legislator.

Mr Waititu and Mr Kiunjuri said the proposed Constitution will end frequent harassment of youth by police on flimsy grounds.

Mrs Mugo said nowhere in the world does the constitution satisfy the interests of all people and if Kenyans wanted a hundred per cent clean document they will wait forever.

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