
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Kibaki reopens Pan Paper Mills

President Kibaki has officially reopened the Pan Paper Mills factory, Webuye which was closed in January last year over mismanagement.

The President, who toured the plant Thursday, expressed government’s commitment to supporting the factory resume full operation.

He said the revival of the factory would create employment for the people of Webuye in western Kenya and spur the economic growth of the area.

“I am happy that we are reopening the Pan Paper Mills. This demonstrates our commitment to supporting local investments as vehicles for economic growth,” President Kibaki said.

The Pan Paper Mills closed down in January last year when the management abandoned the plant over debts totaling Kshs 8.1 billion.

During the tour of the plant, the Head of State was accompanied by Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka, several Cabinet ministers and MPs from Western Province.

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