
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Kibaki, PM in Kisumu for 'Yes' rally

President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga are in Kisumu, western Kenya, to drum up support for the proposed Constitution.

The coalition leaders are expected to address a Yes campaign rally at Moi Stadium, which was already teeming with activity as early as 7 am, as youths danced and chanted pro-constitution songs.

Not even the scorching sun could dampen their spirit.

The President arrived at Kisumu Airport and proceeded to the VIP lounge to await the arrival of the PM, his host.

They then made an entry into the town through Obote road, to Oginga Odinga street before making an entry into the stadium.

Those who were on hand to receive the two leaders were: Deputy prime minister Musalia Mudavadi, ministers Kiraitu Murungi, James Orengo,Fred Gumo, Anyang Nyong’o and Dalmas Otieno.

MPs present included: Musa Sirma, Pollyns Ochieng, Shakeel Shabir, Nicholas Gumbo, Edick Anyanga, Martin Ogindo, Oyugi Magwanga ,Olago Aluoch.

The PM, who has been away from the referendum campaigns for the past one month during which he underwent surgery, made his first public appearance away from his home Friday when he joined other fans to cheer on Kenya athletes at the ongoing Senior Africa Athletics Championships.

The principals will hold another Yes rally at Uhuru Park on Sunday.

Higher Education minister William Ruto will lead a No rally in Eldoret.

Kenyans will vote to either approve or reject the proposed Constitution at a referendum on August 4.

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