
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Kibaki, PM confident of 'Yes' win

President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga held a joint rally in Kisumu for the first time in a month exuding confidence that nothing will stand in the way of the proposed Constitution.

The President showered praises on Mr Odinga – in whose political backyard the rally was hosted - for putting up a brave fight for the Yes camp even in his illness.

Mr Odinga declared that a tsunami that would sweep aside those opposed to the proposed law, a political euphemism to predict victory for the Yes camp.

The principals rallied the voters to turn up large in large numbers to give the proposed laws a landslide victory.

The President insisted that he was looking forward to celebrating the birth of a new constitution on August 5, a day after the vote.

"We shall go out and cast our votes and wait to celebrate on the 5th of August. The tallying process has been improved and Kenyans will get results on time,” said the President during the rally at Moi Stadium Saturday.

Mr Kibaki renewed his attack on former President Moi saying that he should not be a stumbling block to reforms in the country.

He insisted that he had time to give Kenyans a new constitution but failed.

“We have no time to talk about an individual who failed to give us a new constitution after along time,” he said.

He asked the proponents of the proposed Constitution to continue educating those who are opposed to it so that they can understand it even after the referendum.

Mr Odinga was jovial even as he joked about his ailment. A month ago, the PM underwent head surgery at the Nairobi Hospital to relive pressure from outside his brain.

“Somebody had called me to Heaven, but when God heard that I was on the way going, He summoned Paul and asked him who had called Raila. Paul said that it was a wrong number. Then God asked me to to come back and serve my people as I had a lot of work to do and I am back,” Mr Odinga said.

Mr Odinga said that Kenyans can forgive Mr Moi for what he did to them but will never forget and he should leave voters alone to pass the new laws.

His speech was interrupted at several points with chants from frenzied supporters.

The PM lauded President Kibaki for spearheading the Yes campaign when he recuperating.

“The game had to continue and Kibaki had to come from the defence to the forward so that he can lead the Yes campaign. He was the Iniesta of Spain who scored the sole goal during the World Cup against Netherlands,” said the PM who is fond of using football analogies in his political speeches.

The Kisumu rally saw leaders Uhuru Kenyatta, Kalonzo Musyoka and Musalia Mudavadi share the same platform with ten other cabinet ministers and a host of MPs in what underlined the government’s commitment to push for victory at the plebiscite.

Lands minister James Orengo said the dawn of a a new constitution was imminent since many Kenyans had resolved to give the country a new lease of life.

“After 50 years of struggling to liberate Kenyans, this baby called a new constitution will be born even if the father will be away,” said Mr Orengo amid cheers from the crowd.

Immigration minister Otieno Kajwang’, and Public Works minister Chris Obure thanked President Kibaki for remaining steadfast in the absence of Prime Minister Raila Odinga by leading from the front to give Kenyans a new constitution.

Mr Obure said Nyanza Province, which has lagged behind in development due to “deliberate marginalisation” by the former regimes is see development through a devolved system of government.

Industrialisation minister Henry Kosgey declared that a new constitution is unstoppable and urged Kenyans to turn up in large numbers to cast their votes.

Cabinet ministers Najib Balala, Dalmas Otieno, Joe Nyagah and Uhuru Kenyatta said they had every reason to be happy because the dawn of a new era was in the offing.

Veteran politician Martin Shikuku said constitution making had cost lives and left others disabled.

The two principals had earlier electrified the Kisumu streets as they drove from the airport through Obote road and Oginga Odinga streets and acknowledged wild cheers from the members of the public.

Moi Stadium was already teeming with activity as early as 7 am, with youths dancing and chanting pro-constitution songs.

Reported by Stella Cherono, Ouma Wanzala and Otieno Owida

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