
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Kenya's draft constitution - RIZ KHAN - Al Jazeera English

How can Kenya heal its divisions? After post-election violence rocked the country in 2008 resulting in the deaths of more than 1,000 people the country has been working to move forward.

As part of that process, voters will consider a draft constitution that will significantly alter the country's power structure.

On August 4, voters head to the polls in a national referendum to vote "Yes" or "No". A previous constitutional reform effort failed in 2005.

While the constitutional draft is supported by both Kenya's president and prime minister, opponents have focused their efforts on the controversial issues of land reform, abortion and Islamic courts - all included in the draft.

Supporters say the "No" campaign is using fear-mongering on sensitive issues in order to garner support.

On Tuesday's Riz Khan show we speak with Joseph Methu, an Evangelical bishop active in the "No" campaign, Abdalla Murshid, a Muslim attorney and activist who supports the constitutional draft, and Shailja Patel, a Kenyan author, activist and founder of Kenyans for Peace, Truth and Justice.

This episode of the Riz Khan show aired from Tuesday, July 27, 2010.

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