
Friday, June 11, 2010


The people of South Mugirango were very keen on CHANGE and Omingo was not the change that they were looking for. That is why even in ODM they were keen on throwing him out during party nominations, but he correctly read their mood and decamped to the little known PDP.

The best option then available was Ibrahim Ochoi a former Tabaka, Sameta and Uriri high schools principal who came in second in 2007 elections. He had decamped from ODM when Magara was given a direct ODM ticket. All was going on when for him until Magara propped up the notion that Raila was trying to impose his 'brother' on the South Mugirango people 'as if the Bagirango had not sired sons and daughters'-literally speaking. Ochoi's grand parents, as indeed a number of others in Kisii, had migrated from Gwassi in Suba District. That propaganda resonated well with a number of voters, especially the elderly. People were getting confused but they still wanted change.

Clan voting patterns also came into play. Ochoi (when not Omogwassi) hails from Bogetenga Clan same as Nyamweya. The clan had to decide on who stood the best chance of winning. It should be noted that Nyamweya was at ease with ODM supporters unlike Magara whose presence could easily spark a confrontation.

Before Magara family came into the picture, the Mugirango seat had rotated between David Ondimu Kombo and Reuben Oyondi and they still have their loyal supporters especially the elderly. Kombo who hails from the same Bogetenga clan threw his weight behind Nyamweya thus enhancing his status as the front runner within the clan. Oyondi who is a member of EALA and Chairman of Ford P threw his weight and that of his Botabori clan firmly behind Nyamweya.

The other factor going for Nyamweya is that he has been a perennial contestant since 1992. He single handedly challenged Magara in the petition (where Ochoi was not enjoined) and people wanted to at least reward/test him with the remaining period of two years.

Omingo Magara's race to parliament would have been dead and buried long ago had it not been for the enormous financial clout that he was exhibiting during the campaigns. He is said to have been very liquid and capitalised on his incumbency. The last nail to his political coffin was however driven when he brought in Ruto to campaign for him. There is at least a village in Kisii dotted with the forgotten IDPs or 'Wakimbizi' as they are fondly referred to locally many of whom were displaced from the Rift Valley. He is not held in high esteem in that part of Nyanza. Many had expected Magara to come in third but it appears a number of Ochoi's supporters shifted allegiance to Nyamweya to be very sure that Magara did not make it back.

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