
Monday, June 28, 2010

PM to lead ODM campaigns in Matuga

Candidates campaigning for the Matuga parliamentary seat by election are now using every strategy to woo voters.

The candidates are now traversing the region in a door to door campaign with just two weeks remaining to the vote which is slated for July 12.

The seat has attracted three candidates with former transport minister Chirau Ali Makwere fighting to reclaim the seat he lost in a petition.

On Tuesday ODM party's big guns led by Prime Minister Raila Odinga and lands minister James Orengo will be in Matuga to rally support for the party's preferred candidate Hasssan Mwanyoha who will be making his third attempt to claim the seat.

Mwanyoha is campaigning on the platform of a stolen vote claiming he won the seat in 2007 but he was rigged out.

The ODM flag bearer over the weekend held door to door campaigns within 11 villages urging the constituents to vote for him.

Ali Hassan Joho and a host of other MPs who accompanied Mwanyoha told the constituents to pick him as the forthcoming by-election was an opportunity to correct irregularities that marred the 2007 election.

Mwakwere on the other hand was at Tiwi area where he told journalists that he would not be holding any campaign rallies to try to defend his seat since his development record spoke for itself.

But it emerged that Mwakwere has been holding door-to-door campaigns since a court ruling nullified his election as Matuga MP in February.

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