
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

PM in stable condition after surgery

Prime Minister Raila Odinga Tuesday underwent a successful minor surgery on the left side of his head.

The PM checked into the Nairobi hospital on Monday evening complaining of a headache and general fatigue.

Nairobi hospital neurosurgeon Dr. Oluoch Olunga who operated on the PM said he was recovering well.

Initial investigations indicated he had a buildup of pressure outside the brain leading to the headache.

Mr Olunga said the pressure might have been caused by him hitting his head while in a car three weeks ago.

"I'd like to assure the country he is actually well," he said.

"He is sitting comfortably in his room."

Raila was admitted at the Nairobi hospital immediately after attending an environmental forum at the Nairobi Dam.

The PM said he never expected to be booked in when he checked into hospital and had looked forward to a quick routine treatment then leaving the hospital to go and watch the World Cup matches.

The doctor has advised that visitors to the Prime Minister be restricted to allow him to recover speedily.

"The doctors have further recommended complete bed rest for a few days and they will confine him in hospital for that period. During that period, the hospital will restrict access to him to ensure he gets the rest that he needs."

The staff in his office said they had visited him at his hospital bed Tuesday morning where they also had a briefing session with the doctors who assured them that he was in a stable condition.

"They assured us that the PM is in good enough condition to come to office and work as usual if he feels. But they are not allowing that. They strongly recommend that he takes the rest," his office said.

Mr Odinga has been prime minister since 2008 under a deal brokered to end months of violence after his supporters claimed he had been cheated of victory by allies of President Kibaki.

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