
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Parliament approves PLO Lumumba as KACC director

It is now only the presidential assent that stands in the way of PLO Lumumba becoming the director of the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission.

Lumumba and two assistant directors nominees Pravin Bowry and Prof Jane Onsongo were cleared by the Parliamentary Committee on Justice and Legal affairs on Thursday and the report of their vetting tabled before parliament for debate.

While supporting the appointment of the trio Gichugu MP Martha Karua said Lumumba's integrity was beyond reproach and the anti graft would benefit immensely from his contribution.

Karua said the process that led to the appointment of three was transparent and devoid of lobbying adding that Lumumba should not be vilified for having sought an elective office as he was only exercising his democratic right.

The Gichugu legislator said since the exit of Justice Ringera, KACC has been without a substantive head which is reversing the gains made in the war against corruption.

Lands Minister James Orengo said the anti corruption body needs a director who would educate Kenyans on the negative effects of corruption, qualities that can be found in Lumumba.

Orengo termed Bowry as a seasoned and passionate lawyer whose zeal was needed in the war against corruption.

Ikolomani MP Bony Kahlwale while supporting the motion said the process that came up with the three names was very thorough while the vetting board was incorruptible.

Currently Lumumba hosts "Moving the Masses" on KBC's Channel One, a programme that tackles issues of corruption in the country.

He also defended claims that Bowry represented a number of people accused in the multi billion shilling Goldenberg scandal saying he was just acted for the accused as required by the law and hence cannot be held liable for the scandal.

Dujis MP Aden Dulae however rejected the report saying the failure by Lumumba to convince the people of Kamukunji to vote for him in the last general elections indicated that he has no national appeal.

He dismissed Lumumba's eloquence saying it was not a measure of integrity.

In the end however the House endorsed the report and it will now be forwarded to the president who is the appointing authority to gazette the names of the three as required by the law.

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