
Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Only 12 constituencies out of the country’s 210 have registered more voters than they had during the 2007 General Election.

Five of the constituencies are in Nairobi which also registered 35,000 more voters, according to the results of last month’s voter registration announced by the Interim Independent Electoral Commission (IIEC).

Lamu lowest

The highest increase was in Cherangany in the North Rift which registered 89,343 voters as compared to 63,820 previously.

Voter registration turnout was lowest in Lamu East, with only 9,181 enrolling compared to 34,678 in 2007. All other constituencies registered above 70 per cent of the number of voters listed previously.

The IIEC announced that it had registered 12,656,451 voters, representing 89 per cent of the 14,202,613 who had registered ahead of the 2007 polls.

Cherangany was followed by Embakasi, whose voter numbers increased from 249,903 to 292,643, making it the constituency with the highest number of voters.

Rift Valley Province recorded a total of 3 million voters, the highest number. Eastern Province had 2 million and Central had 1.95 million.

It was followed by Nyanza (1.7 million), Western (1.35 million) and Nairobi (1.3 million). Coast Province has registered 992,323 voters while 232,099 were listed in North Eastern.

IIEC chairman Issack Hassan said that the final register will be prepared once inspection is completed 30 days from Friday.

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