
Thursday, June 24, 2010


Candidates in the Matuga by-election have launched full-fledged campaigns, as they ventured into homes to woo voters.

The four aspirants hunted for votes in homes, which was seen as a cheaper but effective campaign formula compared to big rallies.

The candidates are Chirau Ali Mwakwere of PNU, Hassan Mwanyoha of ODM, Kassim Sawa Tandaza of the UDM and Isaac Masila Mutula of Labour Party of Kenya.

Mr Tandaza, who campaigned at Golini and Kwale, said he preferred the door-to-door strategy.

"I am targeting all the villages in Matuga. The grassroots campaign approach is the best," he said.

Tandaza asked the Interim Independent Electoral Commission (IIEC) to ensure names in the voter register with errors are corrected. However, he said those making much noise about the issue had sensed defeat and could be out to rig the by-election.

Mr Mutula said he had combined the door-to-door campaigns with "town hall" meetings where he explains his agenda to voters.

"I use the town hall approach to promote debate as I explain my political agenda for Matuga," he said.

Mutula wondered why most people were poor while Matuga is endowed with cash crops such as cashew nuts, coconut, oranges, and mangoes, among others.

"It is time for change in Matuga address the economic woes. We are certain a small party will carry the day just like what happened in South Mugirango," he said.

Mr Mwakwere spent the first day of official campaign in remote Mangawani location, wooing voters to his side.

He used four-wheel drive vehicles and made several stops to plead with voters for another chance to complete projects he had initiated before the High Court nullified his election as Matuga MP.

Mr Mwanyoha was in Mwaluphamba and Mkongani locations also combing the villages for votes, with his campaign team.

Zainab Chidzuga, one of his chief campaigners, said they were going door-to-door since it was the most suitable way for them.

Another campaigner Mohamed Mwakulola said they were targeting villages before they hold rallies.

"We have intensified visits to the villages to strengthen grassroots campaigns," he said.

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