
Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Campaigns for the South Mugirango by elections have entered homestretch with only nine days to go before the vote is cast.

The battle is now shaping up into a two horse race with immediate former legislator Omingo Magara fighting to reclaim his seat on a PDM ticket against his archrival Ibrahim Ochoi who was nominated on an ODM ticket.

Political party's stalwarts and high ranking personalities have virtually camped in the constituency to campaign for their candidates and in some instances, those from other parties, raising eye-brows.

Political intrigues have marred the run up to the by elections with some aspirants shifting alliances so as to secure their nominations.

After realizing that he was not going to receive a direct nomination from his ODM party, Magara moved camp to PDM, where he has been enjoying the support of Education Minister Sam Ongeri of KANU.

Ongeri defended his presence while drumming up support for Magara saying the interests of the larger community were at stake.

Intriguingly, PNU candidates Manson Oyongo Nyamweya (Ford-P) and Joshua Ondora (KANU) have been crying full citing lack of support from their parties.

With ODM seeming to have been split right down the middle on party issues many will be watching to see whether Ochoi will retain the seat for his party bearing in mind that during the 2007 elections, ns South Mugirango was a stronghold of ODM party.

Ford People party leader Simon Nyachae has not been vocal at the campaigns even though the party is fielding a candidate, Manson Nyamweya who maintains he has Nyachae's backing

Nyamweya on Tuesday urged residents to vote wisely in the by-election and ignore empty promises from ‘influential outsiders'.

Nyamweya who successfully filed the petition against Magara said the voters were well informed and determined to elect a candidate with a track record devoid of political party affiliation or influence.

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