
Monday, June 21, 2010


Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka has allayed fears that the newly created districts will be abolished once the proposed draft constitution is passed.

Mr. Musyoka said the Government is committed to taking services closer to the people and this can only be realized through the creation of such districts.

"I want to assure Kenyans that all the districts which were recently created will remain the way they are even after the proposed draft constitution is passed,'' said Mr. Musyoka.

Mr. Musyoka emphasized on the need for Kenyans to support the proposed constitution adding that amendments to the contentious issues among them the issue of county governments could be made after it has been passed.

Speaking at the Mwingi Early Childhood Education College, Monday, Mr. Musyoka appealed to Kenyans to vote for the proposed constitution.

He said it was time the country embrace positive transformation that would open up greater pportunities for investment and economic prosperity.

On education in the area, the Vice President said leaders should work as a team in uplifting the academic standards in the area.

He said it was only through teamwork and unity that problems facing the education sector in the area could be confronted.

Mr. Musyoka said it was through investment in education that problems facing the region could be solved once and for all.

He disclosed that operations at the college which had stalled will resume in August, this year, noting that the move will ease the burden of nursery school teachers traveling to Garissa town to seek for services which could be offered in the area.

Assistant minister David Musila urged the Government to take the responsibility of employing nursery school teachers in the country.

Mr. Musila who is also the Mwingi South MP, said nursery school teachers services should be catered for by the Teachers Service Commission.

"It is time the Government shows its seriousness in addressing the plight of the nursery school teachers in this country,'' said Mr. Musila.

On constitution, Mr. Musila urged residents in the area to carefully read the proposed draft constitution so as to make informed choices.

He said the constitution was good for the country and urged the residents to vote for the draft during the August 4 referendum.

Present were Public Works Secretary Mr. Gedeon Mulyungi, Kenya Airports Authority Managing Director Mr, Gichuki, Mwingi DC, Peter Kinuthia, DEO Salesa Adano and County Council Chairman Wamayu Musyoka among others.

At the same time, the VP has dismissed claims peddled by those opposed to the proposed constitution that the provincial administration would be scrapped saying the District Commissioners, District Officers and Chiefs will remain in service to wananchi.

He said the few contentious clauses will be addressed after the passing of the new law in the referendum.

"This is time for change, the few areas that we differ in including the number of counties will be revisited with an aim of having consensus," he said.

The Vice President was addressing a mammoth crowd in Tseikuru town after touring various projects including the proposed Tseikuru airstrip and the Mwingi- Maua road in his Mwingi North Constituency.

Mr. Musyoka was accompanied by the Managing Director, Kenya Airport Authority, Eng. S. Gichuki, the Authority's Civil Engineer in Charge, Eng. Raphael Mukui, and Secretary Public works, Eng. Gideon Mulyungi.

Others were the Tseikuru District Commissioner Stephen Momanyi and several civic leaders.

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