
Wednesday, May 26, 2010


LAIKIPIA, Kenya, May 26 - President Mwai Kibaki has urged religious and political leaders to be in the forefront in uniting Kenyans to face challenges ahead of them.

The president said competition in politics should not be allowed to distract peace initiatives undertaken by the government and other players.

The president spoke at the funeral of retired Army Commander James Lelasian Lenges were he pledged continued government support to the family.

President Kibaki paid glowing tribute to the late retired Army Commander for the invaluable and dedicated service to the country and the Military where he served for 42 years.

The graveside funeral service was conducted by Samburu Anglican Bishop Jacob Lesuuda.

The retired Army Commander who was buried at his Marmar Ranch, Laikipia is survived by five wives, 21 children and 11 grandchildren.

Among the speakers during the funeral included retired President Daniel arap Moi, Internal Security Minister Prof. George Saitoti, Chief of General Staff Jeremiah Kianga and Former Speaker of the National Assembly Francis ole Kaparo.

Leaders paid tribute to the late retired Army Commander for the immeasurable role he played in peace initiatives amongst the communities in Northern Kenya and as peace mediator within his Samburu Community.

The funeral was attended by Head of Public Service and Secretary to the Cabinet Amb. Francis Muthaura, Political leaders from across the country and senior serving and retired military officers among others.

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