
Wednesday, May 26, 2010


The No camp has pointed out 16 articles in the proposed constitution on which it will base its campaigns.

The articles, heavily touching on land and abortion, are contained in brochures that its secretariat has prepared in readiness for its official launch next week.

A visit to the secretariat — the Red Card Centre in Nairobi’s Upper Hill area, showed that work was at an advanced stage with key officers already in place.

It is to be headed by Dr Tom Namwamba, a university lecturer, while lawyer Hassan ole Kamwaro will lead its legal section. Former MP Wanyiri Kihoro, it was said, is to play a key role at the secretariat.

Belgut MP Charles Keter said they were preparing for countrywide rallies to tell Kenyans the flaws in the proposed constitution.

Mr Keter said that unlike the Yes camp, which was expecting to be funded by the government, their crusade to defeat the proposed constitution was being financed through individual donations by politicians and other well-wishers.

The No campaign is led by Higher Education minister William Ruto.

In their strategy, they will base their campaigns on the “offensive” articles in the chapter on land. They argue that the National Land Commission, which is established by Article 67 to manage all land issues, is excessively powerful and answers to no one.

“This is a recipe for future land clashes,” their brochure says.

The No camp also questions the powers of the commission to fix minimum and maximum acreage of land owned by an individual in addition to taxation of idle parcels.

They will also hinge their campaign on abortion, stating that Article 26(4) gives room to health professionals to terminate pregnancy.

The No team argues that the chapter on the Executive creates an imperial President with “absolute powers” who is likely to use his authority to appoint cronies to high positions in government.

They also warn that since Parliament will only vet the Chief Justice, judges who will be appointed by the President will dance to his tune.

Other articles are economic and social rights, protection of the right to property, representation, devolution, sharing of national revenue, the youth, and amendment of the new constitution by popular initiative.


  1. This is a useless venture bound to fail.Why are you driven by greed?Your moves are suspect and i urge Kenyans to tread with alot of caveat when they chance to listen to your skewed views.This a collection of plutocrats who wants to use wananchi to spur their interest.Kenyans have known that you are not campaigning against the constitution but a personality and you will be defeated by a wide margin.

  2. Your assertions on this proposed draft constitution needs some dispassionate interrogation because one need to be narrow minded to peddle your myths.It is a pipe dream for someone to think he will win the ODM battles.Where?If you are discontented then find yourself a party.I dont know why you have not defected to PNU

  3. This is very true, we support you because we know u are the only person who will save us from all this false promises on the yes team. Do not be intimidated by anybody we are behind you & we are the winning team.Fight on and never give up. If God be for us WHO can be aganist us. NO team + God = WINNERS. WE are praying for you, dont look back.
