
Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Today, His Excellency the President Mwai Kibaki chaired a consultative forum of leaders of political parties in the country. The meeting was convened by H.E the President and theRt. Hon. Prime Minister Raila Odinga to discuss a strategy for the support of the new Constitution. H.E the Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka and the leadership of 23 political parties attended the meeting.

The meeting discussed the recently published proposed constitution and the role political party leaders need to play to ensure that Wananchi are well and accurately educated on the constitution, in preparation for the referendum vote.

The meeting resolved the following:

1. Truth and objectivity must form the basis of the campaigns ahead of the referendum. In this regard, the forum took issue with those who were misinterpreting contents of the new constitution and committed the YES side to being truthful during the civic education period and the campaigns ahead of the referendum.

2. Leaders will encourage Wananchi across the country to read the published proposed constitution and explain the Katiba to Wananchi, village to village. The proposed constitution is being published widely for circulation to Wananchi. It is vital that Wananchi understand the contents of the proposed constitution to avoid being misinformed.

3. The country needs genuine change and the new proposed Katiba, which has been debated for over 20 years, is a major step in bringing about major reforms across the country.

4. Appreciated the right of others to hold divergent views on the constitution. They however resolved to mount a major civic education campaign around the country that is complimentary to the civic education by the Committee of Experts.

5. Agreed that the proposed new constitution had captured the hopes and aspirations of the Kenyan people. They underlined the need for the Kenyan people to Walk together for the sake of future generations.

6. The forum noted the need for the Kenyan people to be allowed the freedom and space to debate and vote for the constitution. In this regard, the forum cautioned against meddling by external forces who may not fully understand the realities and desires of the Kenyan society.

7. The Yes side will continue to persuade all those saying No on the post-referendum activities because the unity of the country must remain paramount.

8. The campaigns for the Yes position will be done with respect and decorum. Leaders should not attack others for their stand but should enlighten Wananchi on their position based on the goodness of the Katiba.

9. The leaders agreed that the new constitution was a project of the Kenyan people and should not be personlised or form the basis of campaigns for the 2012 elections.

10. The forum agreed to form a Political Parties Joint Secretariat to co-ordinate and oversee civic education and campaigns for the Yes position.

11.There will be a YES Public Rally at Uhuru Park, Nairobi, this Saturday, May 15, 2010.

May 11, 2010
Kenyatta International Conference Centre,

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