
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dr Sarah Obama

A day after being awarded an honorary doctorate by a local university US President Barrack Obama’s grandmother hosted a party at her Kogelo home in Siaya on Tuesday.

Two bulls, three sheep and four goats were slaughtered for the many visitors who trooped to the home to congratulate the 88-year-old grandmother for the honour.

Mama Sarah Obama was awarded a honorary Doctor of Letters by the Great Lakes University of Kisumu on Monday for her role in helping widows and orphans at her Kogelo village.

A similar feast had been organised after Mr Obama ascended to the White House.

The day is now marked with cultural activities annually.

Mama Sarah appealed to the public to dedicate their time and effort to ensuring that they take care of orphans and the vulnerable people in the society.

“This is a show of blessing from God, since I have always dedicated my time to tend to the orphans. Even the US president passed through my hands,” added the grandmother.

Siaya DC Boaz Cherutich accompanied Mama Sarah from Kisumu to Kogelo for the celebrations.

The Obama Kogelo community chairman Mr Vitalis Aketch Ogombe hailed Mama Sarah’s efforts in helping orphans.

1 comment:

  1. She wouldn't have been given any "honor" if she hadn't been related to our imposter in chief.
