
Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi and Lands minister James Orengo have said ODM is ready to face off with leaders backing the former South Mugirango MP Omingo Magara’s re-election.

Speaking in Kisumu separately, the two ODM leaders downplayed the move by Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka, Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta and Higher Education Minister William Ruto’s allies, led by Chepalungu MP Isaac Ruto, to support Mr Magara who ditched ODM for People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in a by-election.

Mr Mudavadi, who is also the Local Government minister, said a decision by PNU leaders to abandon their party’s candidates and support Magara was a wide scheme targeting ODM and Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

"A move by top leaders in PNU to ignore their candidate in the race for the seat and support another party shows lack of commitment among leaders in strengthening political parties," said Mudavadi.

Selfish motives

Mudavadi added that the new political parties rules would deal with the VP-led team which he said was out to violate laid down laws for their selfish political gains.

"I want to assure aspirants cleared by ODM that the nominations would be free and fair. We are aware that if we mess, the party would pay dearly," he said.

Orengo said Kalonzo team have lost direction adding that their scheme to undermine ODM would fail.

He added that the South Mugirango by-election would be a replay after ODM beat PNU during the Bomachoge by-elections.

Kalonzo, Uhuru and Cabinet ministers Naomi Shaban and Sam Ongeri assured Magara of their support during a burial ceremony of the former MPs brother Titus Magara last Friday.

Separately, differences in PNU over the modalities to use in fielding a candidate in South Mugirango by-election has deepened.

Ford-People Secretary-General Henry Obwocha protested the move by Kalonzo, Uhuru and Saitoti support Magara.

"Magara defected to PDP which is an affiliate member to ODM. How then can PNU affiliate parties decide to support a candidate fronted by rival group," asked Mr Obwocha.

Speaking to The Standard from South Mugirango where he led campaigns for Manson Oyongo Nyamweya, Obwocha urged PNU affiliate parties to back their candidate.

The former Cabinet minister said it was Mr Nyamweya’s move to challenge Magara’s election that led to the loss of his seat.

But PDP Chairman Stephen Nyarangi denied Obwocha’s claims his party was a partner of ODM.

"We are on record challenging the appointment of one of our members to the Cabinet by the ODM...We have nothing to do with ODM. We are an independent party," he said.

Meanwhile, PNU top leaders will meet today to discuss the South Mugirango issue. Vice-Chairman George Nyamweya said the meeting was called following the controversy sparked by some PNU leaders pledge to support Magara.

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