
Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Serious anomalies have emerged in some copies of the proposed constitution currently in mass production and circulation across the country.

The Nation obtained copies with major alterations of some clauses which have the effect of radically altering their meaning and interpretation.

On Monday, the government confirmed it had ordered the Government Printer to stop the production of the copies containing anomalies.

At a loss

“It was brought to my attention this morning and I have asked the Government Printer to stop that production line,” Attorney General Amos Wako said last night.

Among significant changes in some of the copies were in Article 24 which dwells on the Bill of Rights to include a rider that a right or fundamental freedom ‘‘shall only be enjoyed by citizens so long as it did not prejudice national security’’.

Mr Wako was at a loss how the anomaly had crept into the document even after he and the Parliamentary Select Committee on the constitutional review process had gone through the document clause by clause before it was published.

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