
Monday, April 12, 2010


Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) says it is still studying the Proposed Constitution before announcing its stand.

The union said it has engaged a team of lawyers led by former Kabete MP Paul Muite to study the draft and advise members on the matter.

Secretary-General Lawrence Majali and national Chairman George Wesonga said members of the advisory council would meet soon and take a position.

"We cannot trust the Government over the matter. We want to make sure teachers’ welfare is well catered for before declaring our stand," said Mr Majali.

He warned teachers against being influenced by politicians out to gain from the draft. He said the union wants to declare its stand after AG Amos Wako publishes the draft.

He said the union was suspicious that Wako may tamper with some of the articles, especially on the salary and remuneration commission.

The officials said having the Teachers Service Commission retained in the draft was not enough for teachers to back the document. Majali said TSC should also have the mandate to hire and fire and handle salary negotiations without relying on recommendations from the remuneration commission.

Majali spoke at the weekend during the Annual General Meeting of Kakamega Central District at Bukhungu stadium, while Mr Wesonga was at the Kakamega South Knut AGM at Musingu High School.

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