
Thursday, April 22, 2010


Sacked Energy Assistant Minister Charles Keter put up a brave face as he left office and laughed off his exit from government as inconsequential.

His aides packed literally every personal effect and moments after he addressed the media left Nyayo House corridors he has been for the last two years.

He said his sacking had nothing to do with his performance but political and was leaving the ministry a happy man.

"Positions in government are given politically hence any changes will be also be political. As a politician I am aware of this and always prepared for any changes," he said.

Keter said he heard of his sacking from the media and has not received any letter from the Office of President relieving him from his position.

"I called the OP when I heard of the changes and they told me it was obvious that I had been sacked," he added.

Keter said the OP informed him that it was the Prime Minister Raila Odinga who had made recommendations that he should be sacked.

The former assistant Minister was speaking to the press as he cleared from Nyayo House office. Magerer Langat will take the position.

"I cannot handover to Magerer because I haven’t received an official communication from the OP. I am here to take my personal effects and go," he told journalists.

A visibly unhappy Belgut MP, however, said he was leaving the government a happy man.

"I exercised my duties well. This is a great day and I am happy because I was given the opportunity to serve the country for two years,’ he said.

He termed his sacking as an obstacle that will not bother him but harden him instead.

"The measure of ones success is not the position one has or reached but its obstacles the person has overcome," said Keter.

He dismissed claims that he was sacked from government due to his allegiance to former Agriculture Minister William Ruto who is a proponent of a ‘No’ campaign against the proposed constitution.

"I have never been a sycophant to anyone. I have been vocal with issues concerning my constituents. My loyalty is to God and not man," he added.

"My position remains and will not change. Iam still young and I have more years ahead to serve this nation," he said.

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