
Sunday, April 25, 2010


Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka Sunday made a passionate appeal to Kenyans who have not yet registered as voters to do so before the expiry of the exercise.

The VP said a voters' card was the only tool Kenyans had for participating in the electoral process of the country and determining its destiny.

"This is a God-sent opportunity for Kenyans and particularly the young generation to participate and have ownership a national constitution given that the current one was done so many years ago at the Lancaster House", Mr. Musyoka added.

He reminded Kenyans that President Mwai Kibaki had allowed the use of the old generation ID cards and therefore those with them as well those with new ones were free to register.

The VP reiterated his call to Kenyans to vote for the new dispensation during the Referendum. He said the new law will give the country e new face and attract investors to the country.

Mr. Musyoka told Kenyans to reject leaders who preach hatred and ethnic animosity in the guise of debating the constitution.

He made the remarks at the St. Peter's ACK Cathedral, in Nyeri during a fundraiser towards completion of the Synod's projects.

Earlier the VP who was accompanied by the Nyeri Town MP and minister for Gender Mrs. Esther Murugi, assistant minister Wilfred Ombui and the South Mugirango MP Walter Nyambati, and Ephraim Maina of Mathira attended an open air Sunday service at the cathedral grounds.

The sermon was delivered by the Mt. Kenya West Diocese Rt. Rev. Joseph Kagunda who appealed to the Independent Interim Electoral Commission of Kenya (IIEC) to mount a robust civil education programme to enlighten Kenyans on the provisions of the Draft Constitution to enable them make an informed choice during the Referendum.

The Bishop said the country had waited for over 20 years to change the constitution and could not afford to squander the opportunity it has now.

He also asked all eligible Kenyans to register as voters to be able to vote during the Referendum.

Mrs. Murugi urged the church to be in the forefront in preaching against rampant alcohol abuse which she said was threatening the family institution in Central Kenya.

On the Draft Constitution, the minister asked the church to listen to the women particularly on matters involving conception and abortion.

The minister called on women to rally behind the new law saying it supported affirmative action and favoured children.

She dispelled fears that the constitution proposes the forceful confiscation of anybody's land, saying instead, it only proposes land regulation for better utilization.

Mr. Ombui said political leadership held the church in esteem but was wiling to negotiate with it on the contentious issues.

Mr. Maina appealed to church and political leaders in the country not put Kenyans into a political contest, saying the current constitutional debate should not be allowed to jeopardize the national unity.

Elsewhere, Water minister Charity Ngilu has said hat the proposed constitution will enhance gender representation and enable more women be in decision-making positions.

Ngilu said that the draft constitution should be supported because it will overturn the scenario where women had been marginalized in governance at all levels.

She was addressing a leaders meeting at Kitui Central CDF grounds.

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