
Friday, April 23, 2010


Jazz musician Joseph Hellon and his friend Quincy Timberlake Adongo on Thursday escaped unhurt when their car hit a donkey on the Nakuru-Nairobi highway.

The two, members of the controversial Finger of God church, were travelling to Nakuru town.

Speaking to the Press outside the Nakuru central police station, the two said the animal was crossing the busy highway when the accident occurred.

Mr Timberlake said they were going to Nakuru to attend a public rally to be addressed by former President Daniel arap Moi on Saturday at Kamukunji grounds.

Mr Moi, who is opposed to the proposed draft, is expected to make a major announcement on the draft at the rally, which will be attended by key Rift Valley leaders opposed to the proposed law.

Mr Timberlake is married to former KTN news anchor Esther Arunga.

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