
Tuesday, April 27, 2010


NAIROBI, Kenya, Apr 27 - President Mwai Kibaki will on Wednesday travel to Shanghai, China for a State visit. President Kibaki will also attend the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai, where Kenya is showcasing itself as the central entry point for investors in the East and Central Africa region.

During his State Visit, President Kibaki is scheduled to hold bilateral talks with his host Hu Jintao, President of the People’s Republic of China.

China is currently one of Kenya’s leading development partners especially in the area of infrastructure development. President Kibaki has given priority to infrastructure development which has triggered economic growth and massive job creation across the country.

During his last State Visit to China in 2005, President Kibaki requested the Chinese government to partner in the construction of by-passes in the city of Nairobi, the rehabilitation and expansion of the JKIA to Gigiri road, construction of a major hospital in Eastlands area and the modernization of the National Youth Service.

All these projects have already been launched. The Eastern and Northern by-passes are under construction, the JKIA to Gigiri road is nearing completion, a 300-bed hospital is under construction in the Eastlands while equipment and machinery worth Sh4.3 billion has already been delivered for the NYS modernisation program.

During his visit this week President Kibaki will follow-up on new development projects that the government has formally requested the Chinese government to partner with Kenya. The flagship projects are instrumental to the attainment of Vision 2030

These projects include:

- Development of a Railway Network from Lamu through the Northern parts of Kenya to Southern Sudan and Ethiopia.
- Development of the first three Berths and associated infrastructure of the second port of Lamu.
- Construction of Standard Gauge Railway from Mombasa to Malaba.
- Mass transit light rail system for the Nairobi Metropolitan.

While in Shanghai, President Kibaki will also open the Kenya Stand at the African Pavilion at the World Expo-2010.

The theme of the world expo is “Better City – Better Life". Shanghai Expo runs from May 1 to October 31.

Kenya whose participation theme is “Cities of Discoveries and Harmony” is among more than 192 countries participating in the Shanghai Expo 2010. The country intends to utilise the window of opportunity provided by the exposition to showcase and market the country as a preferred destination for trade, investment and tourism.

Besides focusing on the importance of sustainability and development of varied cultures, geographical diversity, planning and development of future cities, Kenya will showcase the priority accorded to eco-tourism as part of the country’s strategy for developing tourism.

Kenya’s participation in the expo also aims at increasing exports of tea, coffee, cut flowers and pyrethrum as well as to promote joint ventures between Kenyan and Chinese companies to enhance the country’s brand and positive image.

World expositions are galleries of human inspirations and thoughts which have attained increasing prominence as grand events for economic, scientific, technological and cultural exchanges. They also serve as platforms for displaying historical experiences and exchanging innovative ideas for sustainable development.

President Kibaki is among only four African Heads of State invited for the official opening ceremony. Others are Malawi, Congo Brazzaville and Mali.

The presidential entourage is expected to depart for Shanghai aboard a scheduled Kenya Airways flight from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.

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