Saturday, April 3, 2010


Victims of the post-election violence want President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga to be among the people to be investigated by the International Criminal Court.

According to a report by the ICC on representations received from victims, Kenyans also want the top leadership of ODM and PNU to be among those to be investigated.

“In addition, a number of representations contain comments indicating that those persons responsible for the violence should be removed from public office, or prevented from running for election in the future,” the report says.

The report quotes one of the victims saying: “The investigation should include the two leaders of the big parties — Mwai Kibaki and Raila Odinga. It should cover all the political leaders and prosperous businessmen.”

The report, which was filed by the court’s registrar in confidence, was made public this week after the judges ruled that there was no danger in revealing its contents.

The report, prepared by the Victims Participation and Reparations Section (VPRS), shows that a majority of the victims called for ICC proceedings to move quickly so that results can be seen before the elections planned for 2012.

“I fear living in my own home because of what happened in 2007, and do not live there any more. That is why I want the judges to commence investigation as soon as possible,” one of the victims is quoted as saying.

The report recommends that regardless of whether or not an investigation is authorised, it will be necessary to immediately undertake a further mission to Kenya.

“The objectives of this mission would be to meet with victim communities who have already engaged with the Court and explain the content and consequences of the decision to them,” the report says.

The report further says that the police are mentioned on many occasions as one of the areas in which the ICC should investigate.

Other victims mention the need for investigations to focus on the persons responsible for planning, organising and financing violence, especially senior political leaders.

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