
Monday, April 26, 2010


The much awaited forceful disarmament operation kicks off in 14 districts in Upper Eastern region starting Monday night.

Eastern Provincial Police Officer (PPO) Marcus Ochola assured that the operation will be conducted humanely adding that local communities will be fully involved.

Ochola was speaking at the Isiolo Police Officers mess where he briefed over 60 senior security officers including those commanding police divisions on the exercise.

He however said the government will not use force unless it becomes necessary to do so.

He said disarmament committees have been formed to work hand in hand with the security officers who will be using helicopters and vehicles fitted with firearm detectors to recover the illegal firearms in the region.

He added that the massive operation will be carried out jointly by security personnel from general service unit, anti-stock unit regular and provincial administration police.

The districts affected are Mbeere, Imenti North, Tigania West, Tigania East, Igembe North and Igembe South where the government says thousands of illegal guns and ammunitions are still in the wrong hands.

Ochola said neighboring countries of Ethiopia and Uganda would be conducting a similar exercise to prevent people who have declined to surrender arms from running away.

Internal Security Minister Prof George Saitoti had ordered the police to carry out the forceful operation within the next 100 days ignoring pleas by MPs from the regions to delay the exercise until the on-going voter registration exercise is over.

Residents in conflict prone areas were given three months amnesty to voluntarily surrender illegal weapons.

Security records indicate that residents in upper Eastern surrendered about 1,500 firearms and more than 13,000 ammunitions during the pardon period which the PPO pointed out fell far below the expectations.

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