
Sunday, April 25, 2010


Higher Education Minister William Ruto launched a scathing attack on Prime Minister Raila Odinga and declared him his "enemy number one".

Ruto described Raila as a thankless person who turned against his supporters after the last General Election.

He said despite the support Raila got from the Kalenjin in the 2007 elections, the PM turned against them and even referred to the youth who fought for him as ‘criminals’.

Ruto, who was addressing a fundraising in Trans Mara East District, said he has parted ways with Raila.

"Instead of Raila fighting for the release of those arrested following post-election violence he has continued to humiliate the community," said the minister.

Ruto was in the company of MPs Eugene Wamalwa (Saboti), Cyrus Jirongo (Lugari), Isaac Ruto (Chepalungu), Gideon Konchella (Kilgoris), Mithika Linturi (Igembe) and ODM Trans Mara chairman Samuel Tunai.

Divisive issues

On the Proposed Constitution, he said the land chapter was likely to divide the country if the document is passed at the referendum.

"Issues on land are emotive and need a lot of care therefore there is no need to pass the draft without addressing these issues," he said

He said proposed National Land Commission would not adequately address local issues and that land matters should be left for locals to tackle.

Ruto said if the Proposed Constitution were adopted, ordinary Kenyans would be the losers.

He challenged President Kibaki and Raila to give room for amendment before going to the referendum.

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