
Wednesday, April 28, 2010


NAIROBI, Kenya, Apr 28 - Suspended Local Government Permanent Secretary Sammy Kirui and former Town Clerk John Gakuo are among 10 suspects arrested on Tuesday night over their alleged involvement in the cemetery land scandal.

The 10 were being questioned at the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission offices on Wednesday, and were due to appear in court on Thursday.

“They will spend the night in custody,” KACC spokesman Nicholas Simani said.

The suspects are among 13 officials who were suspended in early March by President Mwai Kibaki over their alleged role in the fraudulent purchase of land for an additional cemetery for Nairobi.

At the time of his suspension, Mr Gakuo was the coordinator of the Nairobi River Project.

President Kibaki had directed that the officers face the law for participating in the alleged fraud involving the purchase of 120 acres by the City Council of Nairobi at an exorbitant price of Sh283 million.

Others who were suspended at the time included Senior Deputy Secretary Reuben Rotich, Director of Procurement Boniface Misero and Chief Financial Officer Herman Chevera. At City Hall which was the centre of the fraud officers interdicted included Deputy Town Clerk Geoffrey Katsolleh, Director of Legal Affairs Mary Ng’ethe and the Director of Procurement Kanyi Nyambura.

Others were Deputy Director of Legal Affairs Karisa Iha, Deputy Director Procurement Alexander Musee, Medical Officer of Health Daniel Nguku and Chief Internal Auditor I N. Ngacha.

President Kibaki had directed that monies that were overpaid amounting to Sh259 million, be recovered from the beneficiaries.

A report by the Controller and Auditor General Anthony Gatumbu released to Parliament over a month ago implicated the officers accusing them of overvaluing the proposed land.

The government audit said the officers ignored a valuation by the Ministry of Lands which quoted the market price for the 120-acre parcel of land at Sh24 million.

The plot was meant to be an alternative for the overflowing Langata Cemetery.

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