Sunday, April 11, 2010


Tourism Minister Najib Balala has distanced himself from Agriculture Minister William Ruto’s ‘No’ campaign and joined the ‘Yes’ team.

Balala said he would not compromise his position on the Proposed Constitution "as it would benefit Kenyans".

"Ruto has been my friend in politics because we share a common interest. But this time round I differ with him as I support the Proposed Constitution," said Balala.

Earlier in the day, Ruto who was in Coast Province asked the region to vote against the Proposed Constitution because Parliament rejected the three-tier government.

He said the three-tier system was the best option for Coast and its rejection by Parliament must be challenged through the ‘No’ vote.

"I know this region advocated for the three-tier system of government as the only option to ensure equitable distribution of resources and since the move was rejected, we must say ‘No’ at the referendum," he said.

But Balala who had been expected to hold a rally with Ruto at Mvita Grounds, later said: "The country’s mood is not for banana or orange as happened in 2005. It is for an apple."

Popularity contest

Balala said the campaign on the Proposed Constitution was not a popularity contest among politicians.

"The campaign is not about Uhuru Kenyatta, Raila Odinga, Mwai Kibaki or Ruto. Kenyans want a new constitution and that is what we are focusing on," said Balala, when he launched a road pavement project at Burnley in his Mvita constituency.

On Saturday, Ruto visited Kilifi and campaigned for the ‘No’ vote against the Proposed Constitution.

Balala and Ruto have been in the team opposed to ODM leader and Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

On Saturday, Balala said the Proposed Constitution provides for counties, which will retain 15 per cent allocations from the central government and would therefore have more funds.

He said Mombasa region might get more than Sh3 billion from the Government under the counties.

Balala commended Changamwe MP Ramadhan Kajembe for joining the ‘Yes’ campaign and urged other MPs opposed to the Proposed Constitution to reconsider their stand.

Balala said he was ready to work with Likoni MP Masoud Mwahima and his archrival and Kisauni MP Hassan Joho once they join the ‘Yes’ campaign.

Speaking in Kilifi, Ruto said: "We want our land to be managed by Kenyans. The issue of land being managed by some people in Nairobi is not acceptable," said Ruto.

Ruto was speaking to several farmers who turned up for a demonstration at Mavueni in Kilifi District.

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