
Saturday, March 20, 2010


Prime Minister Raila Odinga on Friday declared that tribalism and corruption had slowed economic growth and must be destroyed at all costs.

The vices, the PM said, had also resulted in the unequal distribution of resources in the country. Addressing a rally at Mulu Mutisya gardens in Machakos, Mr Odinga said those advancing tribal interests were using their communities for personal gain.

He said the diversity of Kenya’s tribes should be the nation’s strength rather than its weakness. “It is naive for anyone to be seen advancing tribal interests and at the same time expect Kenyans to elect them to national office,” he said.

Mr Odinga warned that the war against corruption will be pursued relentlessly. He cited the technocity project at Malili ranch as an example of a programme riddled with corruption.

The project to build a technology city and create 40,000 jobs has stalled after small-scale landowners complained that they were short-changed in the transaction and that the land values were inflated.

Mr Odinga also spoke about constitution-making and expressed hope that Kenyans would endorse the draft law when it goes got a referendum. He expressed confidence that the document that will be presented to the people will have been agreed on by both sides of the political divide.

The PM allayed fears among some MPs that the Senate would be too powerful for Parliament, saying those who feel that way should vie for seats in the Senate. He urged Kenyans to take part in the voter registration exercise that begins on Monday for them to participate in the referendum.

Mr Odinga was accompanied by the Deputy Prime Minister and minister for Local government, Mr Musalia Mudavadi and Cabinet ministers Charity Ngilu, Anyang Nyong’o and Joseph Nyagah.

Back in Nairobi, the PM said Kenya’s poor leadership had contributed to poverty and economic failure. He said such leaders blame colonialists for their failures yet some of the world’s strongest economies like the United States, China, Malaysia and South Korea were once colonies.

Speaking at a Women’s Economic Summit attended by former Mozambican First Lady Graca Machel, Mr Odinga said women do not need sympathy to prosper because they are the drivers of success in families and nations.

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