
Monday, March 1, 2010


The stage is set for a political alliance between President Kibaki’s allies and Rift Valley leaders.

MPs in Agriculture minister William Ruto’s camp said that they had burnt their bridges with Orange Democratic Movement party leader Raila Odinga.

And they chose a function to install Nakuru Catholic Bishop Maurice Muhatia Makumba, which was attended by the President, to make public their intentions. The ceremony at the Agricultural Society of Kenya showground in Nakuru, was also attended by retired President Daniel arap Moi.

President Kibaki’s attendance of the function was reached after a series of meetings with Mr Ruto at State House, Nairobi.

“We are enjoying a very good relationship with the President. William (Ruto) has been meeting him at State House regularly,” Cherangany MP Joshua Kutuny, a close ally of the Agriculture minister said.

An influential MP, who was at the function, but who requested not to be named, said the two leaders had struck a “secret” political pact.

It was said the presence of President Kibaki and Mr Moi was meant to send a symbolic message of a new working relationship which would see majority of Rift Valley MPs ditching ODM for an alliance with their PNU colleagues.

However, Mr Odinga was working on his own strategies of seeking support in central Kenya. He will tour Western Province next weekend before heading to Marakwet a week later. The Prime Minister does not believe that he has lost his Rift Valley votes in spite of his differences with Mr Ruto.

Said his spokesman, Mr Dennis Onyango: “The PM recognises that some leaders have differed with him on specific issues, but he does not believe the disagreements mark a parting of ways.”

And asked if they were still in ODM, a party in which Mr Ruto is the deputy party leader, Konoin MP Julius Kones, said: “One thing is for sure — we are done with the other group (ODM). We will not go back.”

During the Nakuru function, Mr Ruto said that they would support President Kibaki’s government.

Last week, President Kibaki and Mr Ruto’s allies held a meeting where they discussed the possible formation of a formidable alliance to take on the PM.

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