
Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Prime Minister Raila Odinga is on Tuesday expected to seek his party’s National Executive Committee and Parliamentary Group blessings to clamp down on members seen to be ‘rebels’.

Sources within Orange Democratic Movement revealed PM wants to tame rebellion in his party, starting with Rift Valley MPs aligned to Agriculture minister William Ruto who have defied ODM’s rejection of amendments to the Proposed Constitution.

It is believed the PM would, among other measures to enforce discipline in the party, seek endorsement to shuffle the ODM team serving in the Grand Coalition as Ministers or Assistant ministers.

The PM is believed to be concerned by the fact that Ruto and his team has openly showed willingness to work with PNU against ODM’s principles and interests.

However, following his suspension of Ruto and Education minister Prof Sam Ongeri over graft claims, and immediate reversal of the order by President Kibaki, it is predicted that should the PM see this move through, it could raise another storm in the coalition.

Last month the PM hinted he would initiate replacements of those he sees to be going against the party’s grain. Though the President is the appointing authority, ODM insiders argue the National Accord empowers the PM to make or remove the ministers he chose to sit in Cabinet, by writing to the President.

A section of rebel MPs among them Cabinet members and Assistant ministers have openly differed with the PM and opposed party decisions. Last week and on Monday, Rift Valley MPs took the PNU side pressuring for MPs’ retreat to open up the Proposed Constitution to amendments.

Raila appeared to crack the whip even as his working relationship with President Kibaki seemed to totter, with the PM last week accusing PNU of bribing ODM MPs and fuelling internal wrangles in his party.

This month, ODM protested President Kibaki constantly acted unilaterally, ignoring the PM, his party and ODM’s powers as was enshrined in the National Accord and Reconciliation Act, which is entrenched in the Constitution.

The new move will further aggravate the sour relationship between the PM and Ruto’s sympathisers in the party who feel Raila betrayed their community, particularly on his stand on Mau Forest evictions and handling of post-election violence suspects.

Sources within ODM ranks declined to confirm whether it was part of the agenda but all were agreed on the PG-NEC meeting set for 10 am at Orange House could also decide the way the party will vote during the planned adjournment Motion today afternoon.

If passed, the House will stand adjourned to allow MPs to go for a retreat in Naivasha, to work on a political compromise, specifically amendments that would reunite PNU-ODM behind the document.

Previous attempts to reshuffle the Cabinet fell flat after top PNU leaders resisted them. It was reported that PNU negotiated for a reshuffle of Assistant ministers should come first saying it needed time before action would be extended to Cabinet level.

It is also said Raila could be testing the waters to see if President Kibaki will respect the letter and spirit of the National Accord, and if the number of ‘rebel’ MPs will shrink.

The PM appeared to suffer a political setback when he announced the suspension Ruto and Ongeri for allegedly being linked to corruption but President Kibaki overturned the decision saying there were no consultations between them ahead of the PM’s decision.

Ruto had been linked to irregular practices in maize distribution in which the Government lost over Sh2 billion to racketeers.

The ministers have been performing their duties undeterred and accused the PM of waging political battles and personalising the war against corruption.

While suspending Ruto and Ongeri from their dockets, the PM cited powers bestowed on him by the Constitution as Co-ordinator and Supervisor of operations of ministries.

Speaking in Igembe on Sunday, Ruto accused the PM of selectively applying his graft measure and challenged him, asking why he had not asked Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi to step aside after the ministry was caught up in a cemetery scandal in which over Sh283 was lost in questionable land acquisition.

Should the party reach such a decision on Tuesday, then it is expected Raila will announce a reshuffle affecting his side of 20 ministers in the coalition. The power sharing pact was reached after the February 28, 2008 power deal between ODM and PNU, brokered by former UN Secretary General Dr Kofi Annan.

ODM has restated its position supporting the Proposed Constitution without amendments and to only allow for such changes after the new law has been promulgated.

Four Permanent Secretaries have since been interdicted after they were adversely mentioned in corruption-related cases.

Boycott meetings

Those who stepped aside include PM’s own PS Dr Mohammed Isahakia and Chief of Staff Mr Caroli Omondi.

Special Programmes PS Ali Mohammed and his Agriculture counterpart Dr Romano Kiome and Education’s Prof Karega Mutahi similarly left office to pave the way for investigation.

When ODM announced its ministers would boycott the Cabinet meetings until its demands were met, ODM Cabinet ministers Najib Balala, Joe Nyaga and Ruto announced they would defy the party and attend the meetings.

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