
Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Over 2,500 illicit small arms and light weapons were set ablaze Wednesday morning at Uhuru gardens in an annual tradition that began 10 years ago with the signing of the Nairobi declaration.

The protocol requires that illegal weapons be burnt to ashes and metal parts smelted.

The destruction comes shortly after a recent disarmament program targeting areas prone to cattle rustling as well as police efforts to recover illegal arms.

Internal Security Minister George Saitoti termed the ‘operation dumisha amani 11' as a success and warned of a stiff penalties for those caught with illegal arms.

Lauding the disarmament programme, Saitoti said 2,266 firearms and 19,736 ammunitions were voluntarily surrendered adding that the next phase will involve disarming individuals by force.

He said proliferation of illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) still remains a challenge for the law enforcement agencies and a threat to national and regional security.

Saitoti said plans were at an advanced stage to implement a simultaneous disarmament programme at the regional level.

"The government has held fruitful discussions with Uganda, and Ethiopia among other neighboring countries and we are optimistic the initiative will yield desired results" said the Minister.

He however said to curb proliferation of arms, the government had proposed a law that if enacted will provide for stiff punishment for those possessing, trading, conveying and dealing in illegal weapons.

" The proposed law seeks to enhance sentences and penalties to serve as deterrents to both the illegal possession of firearms and gun running" said the Internal Security Minister.

He added that the government was also finalizing a draft policy on illegal weapons which will be implemented alongside the draft policy on peace building and conflict management.

Police Commissioner Mathew Iteere who was among various dignitaries who witnessed the destruction of the firearms commended police for their efforts.

The burning of the illegal arms comes a month after police netted thousands of bullets in a garage in Narok where another cache was discovered last December.

Though the case is in court, the government is yet to disclose the destination of the weapons.

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