
Wednesday, March 31, 2010


3:52: David Eseli supports motion. Says security issues of the country put in the back burner, asks house to rise for the occasion.

3:49 - Isaac Ruto - uniformed services may mean cooks, nurses. MP Anyang' Nyong'o says uniformed service is a technical term that cannot be reduced to such

15:47 - Nkaissery says other the draft constitution clause left other uniformed services

3:45: Chair rules that Nkaissery goes ahead to move the amendment.

3:43 PM Raila- says uniformed forces may also refer to other groups as Group 4 etc since they are also uniformed

3:42: Anyang' Nyongo; Says Nkaissery proposed amendment is broader than that of David Musila's

3:40 - Ababu Namwamba contests the Speakers' position over Nkaissery proposed amendment

3:38: Speaker says the first part taken by Musila's amendment.

3:37: Joseph Nkaissery argues the amendments are the not the same

3:35 - Back to debate on amendments. Chair rules that amendment by Joseph Nkaissery has been overtaken by events - by the vote on Musila's amendments

3:27: Speaker asks question on the motion on the special session. Asks for the second time. Motion is approved by acclamation. The Ayes have it.

3:24: PM Raila Odinga - We are engaged in a process not an event. MPs who have made proposals should be given a chance to present their amendments. Others should be able to withdraw. He supports motion.

3:22: AG Wako supports motion. Says debate on motion must be concluded in 30 days, ending tomorrow (Thursday). Asks MPs to re-examine themselves with the view of withdrawing some of the amendments.

3:21: Martin Ogindo: Supports motion, says MPs are lost in emotion.

3:18 - Moses Wetang'ula: It is difficult to support the motion given the mood of Parliament. We should stick to the time in the standing orders.

3:15 - MP Charles Keter opposes the motion.

3;13 Mukurwe-ini MP Kabando wa Kabando rises to oppose motion says based on what has happened this morning, and in the MPs retreats, the debate is not likely to give a result that will give any additional value.

3:10: MPShakeer Shabir asks why House is wasting a lot of time on the question, but ruled out of order.

3:09: Deputy Musalia Mudavadi seconds motion.

3:07 Procedural motion. Proposal for a special session for Thursday from 9am to 12.30pm

3:05 Deputy Speakers asks the question on the motion to extend the time for discussion. Motion is defeated.

3:03: MP Nkaiserry opposes the motion, says the 'important' motion on National security was opposed

3:01: Danson Mungatana (Garsen) stands to oppose the motion to extend the House sitting, says it 'makes no sense' and it is not likely to achieve the intended objective.

3:00 Chief Whip George Thuo proposes that House extends discussion from 6:30pm to 11:50pm. Deputy Speaker Farah Maalim asks question to the House.

2:33: It's Question time. MPs are debating the various questions on the order paper lined up for discussion for the afternoon session

2:30 - Afternoon House proceedings begin.

1:17pm- House adjourns until 2:30pm

1:14pm -The proposed amendment by MP David Musila is defeated after 122 MPs vote for, 4 against, and 21 abstain. Speaker announces the motion negatived.

12:38pm- Voting begins on the amendment proposal by MP David Musila

12:32pm - Speaker announces 150 members present - This allows the vote on amendment proposal by Mwingi South MP David Musila to delete a clause in Section 24 of the Constitution that touches on National Security. The amendment is to bar members of the Security Forces from participating in demonstrations.

2:06pm Counting of MPs by calling their names begin after Speaker gets conflicting numbers of lawmakers present in the House

11:20am - Musyimi's motion seeking to expunge a provision in section on equality that shielded Muslims on matters of personal status, marriage, divorce and inheritance fails after only 60 show up to vote.

11:05am - Tinderet MP Henry Kosgey (ODM) absent in House so his amendment motion on dual citizenship fails.

11:03am - Kipipiri MP Amos Kimunya withdraws all his 30 amendment motions.

10:55am - Robinson Githae (Ndia, Narc Kenya) withdraws his motion.

PREVIOUSLY - Kenyan MPs are on Wednesday debating and voting on alterations they seek to make on the draft constitution. By 11am, four motions - on unitary state, devolution and religion/state - had failed.

The Rev Mutava Musyimi's (Gachoka, PNU) motion to amend the draft to provide for a unitary state failed after he failed to marshal the quorum of 145 MPs needed for the vote to be called. The same fate befell James Orengo (Ugenya, ODM) move to provide for three-tier devolution and the Rev Musyimi's second motion seeking separation of church and state.

The three motions only managed to attract the interest of 62, 107 and 57 MPs respectively, failing far below the requisite 145 needed for the vote to be called. Most MPs walked out of the chambers to help defeat the motions they were against.

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