
Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Debate on the proposed constitution resumed Wednesday with chapters on representation, devolution and transitional provisions taking center stage.

Members who made their contributions during the morning session called on their colleagues to put the interests of Kenyans first so as to ensure that the country gets a new constitution this year.

Central Imenti MP Gitobu Imanyara urged members to accept the proposed constitution in its current form saying the review process is owned by the people and not politicians.

Mvita MP Najib Balala called on his counterparts to rise above their political interests and deliver a just constitution to Kenyans.

With debate underway, Parliament has extended sitting to 8pm local time to give MPs more time to debate the draft law as they race against time.

On Tuesday, the chairman of the parliamentary select Committee Abdikadir Mohammed praised the document saying that it would ensure good governance and justice for all.

He told members that the chapters on the system of government, Judiciary, Devolution and that on the Bill of Rights are well structured in the draft to pave way for reforms Kenyans yearn for.

The Vice Chairman Ababu Namwamba told MPs that they had no power to stop the constitution review process.

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