
Wednesday, February 17, 2010


The Statement by a section of leadership of ODM alleging the existence of a dispute in the Coalition Government is ridiculous, reckless, uncalled for and absurd. The same leaders are now calling for a boycott of Cabinet in order to paralyse activities of Government and create a crisis in the country.

These leaders should know that the country is tired and fatigued by unending supremacy wars, selfish political games and power theatrics. For one, there is no dispute or crisis except that which has been orchestrated by this few individuals and which exist only in their scheme. There is absolutely no reason to request for the intervention of the African Union or any other foreign powers.

The same people want to foment a crisis and create paralysis in Government only to serve their selfish power games oblivious of the urgent priorities in the country of production of food, service delivery and economic growth.

Those who want to boycott Cabinet should consider quitting all together to give the rest of us an opportunity to deliver on the respective mandates of our ministries. Kenyans truly deserve a break from this brinkmanship that has been perfected by a section of our leadership and which will only create despair and hopelessness.

The fight against corruptions should be discussed at all levels beginning with the Cabinet where some want to boycott. The question that begs an answer is why don't these leaders raise these questions of corruption in Cabinet where they are prominent members but choose to raise them at public rallies and funerals if their intention is to fight corruption and not just to play to the gallery.

These leaders should not be allowed to create despair in the country through orchestrated disputes, fomented paralysis or engineered confusion and Kenyans should treat their schemes with the contempt it deserves.

This new escalation of hostilities is linked to a change of position by some within ODM on the Constitutional Review negotiations in Naivasha and the crisis has been orchestrated to derail efforts to have a new constitution.
They should not be allowed to succeed.

William Ruto, Deputy Leader ODM and Minister for Agriculture

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