
Sunday, February 14, 2010


William Ruto and Professor Sam Ongeri have now been suspended from government for three months.

The decision to suspend The Agriculture and Education Ministers was announced by Prime Minister Raila Odinga a few minutes ago.

Raila told reporters the move was taken after consultations with President Mwai Kibaki.

The two ministers have been suspended a day after the President asked four Permanent Secretaries to step aside.

Below is the full statement by the PM:

Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen, for being here not only on a Sunday but on Valentine’s Day.

In exercise of the authority vested in the Prime Minister in accordance with the provisions of Section 15 (a) of the Constitution, and Section 4 (1) of the National Accord and Reconciliation Act, which confer on me also the authority to supervise the execution of the functions and affairs of the government, including ministries, I am hereby suspending with immediate effect the following ministers for a period of three months:

Hon. William Ruto, Minister of Agriculture.
Hon. Samuel Ongeri. Minister of Education.

I am taking this action because two recent investigations, the forensic audit by PwC on the maize scandal, and the Report of the Internal Auditor General on Free Primary Education, have laid credible foundations for the two ministers to be investigated.

In addition, in order for the government to conduct fair, independent and comprehensive investigations which would result in gathering evidence to determine if any individuals need to be prosecuted in these two scandals , it is important that Hon. Ruto and Hon Ongeri step aside.

I am also directing KACC, the CID and the Inspectorate of State Corporations to jointly pursue this matter further.

This team should review the above two reports, as well as the reports on the maize scandal by KACC, the Inspectorate of State Corporations, and the CID, with a view to recommending those cases which should be prosecuted.

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