
Tuesday, February 16, 2010


President Mwai Kibaki is currently chairing a meeting with members of parliament allied to the party of national unity at Harambee house. The meeting comes a day after ODM called for the return of chief mediator Koffi Annan to resolve the current stalemate in government. Odm has accused the president of breaking the law by rescinding Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s suspension of two ministers whose dockets have been embroiled in corruption. Yesterday PNU mp’s asked the prime minister to step aside over the maize scandal.


  1. did Ruto attend the meeting.

  2. US government wants them to bury their differences and move forward the reform agenda.

    Addressing the press in Nairobi Tuesday, US ambassador Michael Ranneberger said if the bickering does not stop it would derail the reform agenda.

    Ranneberger said the coalition government has made commendable gains in bringing reforms but called on President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga to work together for the sake of Kenyans.

    The US envoy supported the suspension of top government officials adversely mentioned in corruption.
