
Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Peaceful street protests were held in city streets Wednesday to pressure all ministers involved in graft to resign.

Previously, many protests have more often than not been outlawed.

But on Wednesday, things were different. No tear gas, no running battles and no arrests.

Central police boss Richard Mugwai kept a keen but non-hostile eye on the protestors.

The demonstrations started shortly after 11am, led by activist Okiyah Omtatah.

The demonstrators assembled at the Freedom Corner in Uhuru Park, and made their way via Kenyatta Avenue, Wabera and Mama Ngina Streets, then to City Hall Way and Parliament Road.

They met a contingent of General Service Police, complete with anti riot gear, but the officers just stared at them as the they zoomed past singing their songs.

The placard waving and slogan chanting protesters then turned in to Harambee Avenue, the seat of the office President’s office.

Some of their placards read; 'Kibaki and Raila, Stop Sideshows. Banish Impunity’ and 'Raila the buck stops with you.’

They had at Harambee House, hoped to serve President Kibaki with a petition, but Mr Kibaki was not in office. He had an official function elsewhere.

They nonetheless handed over their memorandum to Mr Joseph Irungu, the director of administration.

It was copied to Speaker Kenneth Marende and Chief Justice Evan Gicheru.

In the memorandum read to the media by Mr Omtatah, the protesters expressed displeasure with the 'mismanagement’ of state affairs.

He said the level of corruption had reached 'appalling proportions’ because the President was handling his ministers with 'kid gloves’, even protecting them to abet the vice.

And even though they welcomed the suspension of Agriculture minister William Ruto and his Education counterpart Prof Sam Ongeri, they asked the President to ensure that they don’t occupy their offices.

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And to this end, they proposed that a similar action be taken against four other ministers and a chair of a commission claiming they were not fit to hold office.

They were Dr Naomi Shaban (Special Programmes), Mr Kiraitu Murungi (Energy), Prof George Saitoti (Internal Security) , Otieno Kajwang’ (Immigration) and the chair of the Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission Amb Bethwel Kiplagat.

According to them, Dr Shaban should go because it is under her watch that the money meant for the resettlement of the Internally Displaced and maize under Strategic Grain Reserves was lost.

Mr Murungi should be sacked over the Triton Oil scandal, where billions of shillings were stolen from Kenyans, Prof Saitoti for approach in handling security and Mr Kajwang’ over the work permit scandals.

Mr Omtatah said that “Mr Kiplagat qualifies to be either in the witness or defence box,” he said.

The activists said they would mobilise other 'peaceful marches’ and rallies across the country to demand 'competent management of the country.’

Once they had handed over their petition, the protesters dispersed went away in peace. Many had this one question; just why didn’t the police restrain us?

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