
Saturday, February 6, 2010


Kenya is set to benefit from millions of dollars from the Obama administration through the millennium Challenge Account and increased investment funding through the USAID.

This came to light at a meeting between Vice president Kalonzo Musyoka and Senior Technocrats at the US State Department in Washington led by Mr. Donald Yamamoto the Deputy in charge, Bureau of African Affairs on Friday

It was agreed at the meeting that with the proposed new Constitution on the way and Kenya's willingness to effectively tackle corruption and carry out reforms across several sectors of governance, the state department officials were willing to recommend the first- tracking of the approval process to enable Kenya access the funds to finance development projects that will check run-away unemployment and rampant poverty.

Kenya's Ambassador to Washington has a date with Mr. Yamamoto in the coming week to work out the actual details of the millennium challenge account considerations.

The US Government through USAID will also avail part of the 700 million dollars earmarked for investment in Africa to enable Kenya revamp energy , agriculture , ICT , manufacturing and small scale medium enterprises (SME )Sectors

During the Discussion it was reaffirmed that the deep ties between the two countries , going back for decades should count when considering the up scaling both development Assistance and direct foreign Investments coming to Kenya to in the coming years

"Kenya is our Cornerstone Ally in the East Africa region, and while we insists that reforms and the war on corruption must be fast tracked it is also our responsibility, considering our relationship, to upscale our engagement for the benefit of the Kenyan people."

He listed youth unemployment, Internal political reforms, Sustainable health, education, and drought mitigation as some of the areas of concern to the American Government While raising the issue of the millennium Challenge account the VP noted that Kenya needed to be meet halfway in her efforts to implement far reaching reforms , the fight against corruption , and economic reforms aimed at employment creation.

"We need support to carry out these reforms and one area we can get assistance is from the millennium challenge account," he said.

The meeting also discussed the influx of refugees into Kenya especially the Daadab Camp in Northern Kenya.

The upgrading of the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport into a level One airport was discussed as a means of enabling more trade to take place between Kenya and the United States especially on flowers.

Piracy off the coast of Somalia as well l as the resurgence of extremist in the horn of Africa was also discussed.

In attendance were Margaret Mckevey the Director of refugees Assistance,William Brakel Director of Environmental Policy and Pamela Fiest the head of Somalia office.

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