
Wednesday, January 13, 2010


The wish of majority of Kenyans to directly elect the country’s Chief Executive should be respected and reflected in the final constitutional draft, Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka has said.

Mr Musyoka said since it is only the president who is elected directly, then it translates that majority of Kenyans favour the Presidential System of Government.

“The committees dealing with the constitution should stand for the truth and respect the views of the majority of Kenyans by reflecting them in the final constitutional draft,’’ he said.

He said it was high time Kenyans are given a Constitution that will cater for their interests besides uniting them irrespective of ethnic and political backgrounds.

Mr Musyoka made the remarks when he addressed thousands of residents at Kimende open grounds in Lari Constituency after an extensive tour of Kijabe Mission hospital.

He also addressed the public at the Kijabe junction on the Nairobi-Nakuru Highway.

The VP said there was need to have a Constitution that will cater for the interests of all the Kenyan communities, so that the country cannot experience problems like those witnessed after the last general election.

He said it was impressing that all leaders irrespective of their political parties were this time round resolved to put aside politics of hatred and commit themselves to giving Kenyans a new constitution that they have been yearning for.

“We are all united to writing a constitution that can not only be beneficial to this generation but also the next generation’’ said Mr. Musyoka.

Mr Musyoka noted that almost all the countries in the East Africa have the presidential system of Government where the president is the Head of State and Government and appoints a PM who is the leader of government in parliament.

While addressing the staff of the Kijabe African Inland Mission hospital, after an extensive tour of the facility, Mr Musyoka urged the environmental management committees to enact a law on firewood collection to curb the destruction of forests in the country.

He said firewood fetching in many parts of the country has contributed to destruction of forests, saying it was only through enactment of law on such activities that water catchments areas could be preserved.

Mr Musyoka commended the people of Lari for working closely with the Government in ensuring that forests in the area were not interfered with.

“It is impressing that you decided to take a collective responsibility as far as protection of forests are concerned. This is really a good move that should be commended,’’ he said.

The VP said it was encouraging that Kijabe Mission hospital took a leading role in the provision of medical services to the victims of the 2008 post election violence despite majority having failed to clear the medical bills.

“The role you played during the post election violence by providing medical services to the victims of the violence despite majority not being in a position to pay for their medical bills was a move that should be emulated by other medical providers,’’ said Mr. Musyoka.

The VP called on Christians in the country to continue praying for peace and stability to prevail in the country as a sure way towards realization of national development aspirations.

He said it was only a peaceful and stable nation that could attract investors who can participate in the development of the country thus boosting the economic situation in the country.

“It should be clear that nobody could like to invest in an insecure environment. We should therefore strive to preach peace and reconciliation in the country if we are to remain united as a nation,’’ he said.

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