
Thursday, January 28, 2010


The much publicised political rally organised by President Kibaki’s son Jimmy that was to take place in Bungoma this Sunday has been cancelled due to security concerns.

Jimmy who is also the patron of Simama Kenya, a political outfit which was spearheading the rally told reporters on Thursday that police had already withdrawn a licence earlier issued to them.

“Simama Kenya Trust which is for youth empowerment both economically and politically will never want a situation where young people are put in jeopardy,” Jimmy said.

“And this is why within consultation with security services, we found it was mutually acceptable that this rally be postponed because we do not want a situation where young people are going to have their security compromised,” he told reporters and declined to answer any questions.

“That is all about our statement, questions next week,” he said.

Jimmy was expected to make a major political announcement during the rally.

He was accompanied by Simama Kenya officials including Saboti Member of Parliament Eugene Wamalwa, former Budalangi’ MP Raphael Wanjala and former Public Service Minister Moses Akaranga.

Mr Wamalwa said the rally had elicited “a lot of excitement as well as resistance.”

“As you have heard there have been allegations of those who intended to disrupt the meeting and those who have been actually opposed to this meeting,” he said.

He said: “The move to shelve the rally should not be seen as a withdrawal. It is just a temporary set back, we want to say that we will turn this temporarily set back into a comeback,” he added.

Mr Wamalwa said they had received communication from Western Provincial Police chief King’ori Mwangi on the recall of their licence.

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