
Friday, January 15, 2010


Raila Odinga has lead Cabinet ministers, MPs, envoys, environmentalists and friends of the Mau to plant about 20,0000 trees, according to the Mau Secretariat, which is coordinating the process of reclaiming the forest.

The Mau Forest tree planting exercise took place at Kiptunga in Molo, within the complex.

Mr Odinga, who was on Thursday given a go head by the Grand Coalition Management Committee he co-chairs with President Kibaki to lead the exercise, received a warm welcome from locals residents who entertained guests ahead of the planting.

Mr Odinga thanked the Ogiek community for being "friends of the forest" and showing the rest how to conserve forests.

"We are saying that trees should not be cut indiscriminately," he said.

He said that the event was a historical occasion that marked the start of the re-afforestation efforts in the country.

According to the PM, Kenya seeks to plant 7.6 billion trees in next 10 years to put 10 percent of its land under forest. At independence the forest cover stood at 12 percent but has since decreased to a mere 1.7 percent.

Area MP Joseph Kiuna said leaders from all over the country were in Mau to support the conservation efforts.

"We want a leader who will unite all Kenyans, a leader or leaders out to segregate people in different groups is not welcome in Mau."

Kipkelion MP Mr Magerer Langat accused Agriculture minister William Ruto's group of isolating the Kalenjins from rest of Kenyans and portraying them as against conservation of environment.

"We welcome efforts to save the Mau as the Rift Valley community, which we depend on for water and has been in danger. We are grateful that the prime minister has joined us to conserve it. We have seen the face of Kenya," he said.

Narok South MP Nkoidila Lankas in reference to boycott by some MPs told Mr Odinga: "As you can see you are not alone. The whole of Kenya and international community is here. We are with you and you will never walk alone."

Gatanga MP Peter Kenneth said Mau belonged to all Kenyans and should not be politicised.

"We have been told about many futures. The future of Kenya is on conservation of environment," he said.

The chairman of the Secretariat Hassan Noor said: We will protect the rights of every Kenyan irrespective of their status."

Gachoka MP Mutava Musyimi said that those who own land should not be compensated, adding: "We should not privatise what belongs to the public."

Rift Valley Kalenjin MPs Langat and Musa Sirma are among those who attended the function that was, however, skipped by a majority of PNU MPs and those allied to Mr Ruto.

Among those in attendance are ministers: Wycliffe Oparanya, Musalia Mudavadi, Noah Wekesa, Charity Ngilu.,Willaim ole Ntimama, Anyang' Nyong'o, Paul Otuoma, Henry Kosgey, Chris Obure, Mohamed Elmi, Dalmas Otieno and Naomi Shaban.

Others were: Assistant ministers and MPs: Peter Kenneth, Kilemi Mwiria, Wavinya Ndeti, Kabando wa Kabando, Cecil Mbarire, Oburu Odinga, Seif Kajembe, Richard Onyonka, Alfred Khangati, Joseph Nanok, Joseph Nkaissery, Elizabeth Ongoro, Margaret Wanjiru, Joseph Olweny, Sospeter Ojaamong, James Gesami.

MPs Kiema Kilonzo, John Pesa, Mutava Musyimi, Gitobu Imanyara, Njoroge Baiya, Elias Mbau, Nkoidila Ole Lankas, Jakoyo Midiwo, Justus Kizito, Rachel Shebesh, Alfred Sambu, Fred Outa, Bonny Khalwale and Ali Hassan Joho are also in Molo.

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