
Friday, January 22, 2010


Raila Odinga heads to Nyanza Province on Saturday to marshal ODM troops amid leadership wrangles in the party branches.

Factions have emerged and parallel list of officials prepared ahead of the Saturday meeting in Homa Bay, where 32 branches will converge.

In Public Service Minister Dalmas Otieno’s Rongo constituency, he has to contend with the team of former MP and his rival Ochilo Ayacko.

Immigration Minister Otieno Kajwang’ is also facing a similar scenario while Internal Security Assistant Minister Orwa Ojode will face off with a faction led by Nyanza ODM co-ordinator Monicah Amolo.

ODM chief whip Jakoyo Midiwo is not spared either. In Nyakach former MP Peter Odoyo and the incumbent Polyns Ochieng’ Daima are engaged in a fight over the leadership of the branch.

In Karachuonyo, former MP Adhu Awiti and Jack Nduri have ganged up against the incumbent James Rege. Nyatike MP Edick Omondi Anyanga is in war with his opponent Kennedy Okong’o.

However, Anyanga denied existence of any faction in Nyatike saying he would lead a team from his constituency to the meeting.

During the ODM party elections, some of the MPs lost to their opponents and declined to concede defeat and instead declared themselves winners. This led to formation of factions.

The move by Raila to iron out differences in the party is seen as a move to consolidate his stake and get a strong voice in the region ahead of the constitutional referendum.

Raila and Agriculture Minister William Ruto have fallen out. The minister declared he would vie for president in the 2012 General Election.

Ruto’s supporters have threatened to sever links with Raila and form a new alliance with Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta and Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka for the next General Election. Ruto has been holding a series of meetings with civic leaders from Rift Valley with most belonging to ODM.

Constituencies where all is well after the polls include Gwasi, Migori, Kasipul-Kabondo and the larger Gusii. In some constituencies, MPs are facing revolt from rival factions, a move that threatens the party’s popularity.

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