
Monday, January 25, 2010


ODM wing of the Parliamentary Select Committee met Prime Minister Raila Odinga to consolidate a position on devolution at the ongoing constitutional talks.

However, Agriculture Minister William Ruto and his ally and Chepalungu MP Isaac Ruto did not attend the three-hour meeting at Nairobi Club, on Sunday.

But contacted, the Chepalungu MP said he received the invite late and could not make it to the meeting as he was in his constituency.

"I received the invite on Saturday and it was impossible for me to attend as I was in Chepalungu. If anything, the issues will be discussed in Naivasha," he said on the telephone. We could not get a response from the Agriculture Minister as calls to his mobile phone went unanswered.

Though the meeting was private, it is understood devolution and mode of delimitation of constituency and district boundaries took centre stage, with the MPs resolving to push for a strong devolution to check the Executive. This would also go along with a strong senate.

"The group was of the view that there is no need for a strong Executive with a weak Senate. The Senate has to be strong to check the Executive," said a source.

The Prime Minister also heard from the group how the party pushed for a leaner Parliament, but was unable to counter PNU’s proposal of more than 300 MPs. ODM wanted a Parliament of not more than 256 members. PSC arrived at 356 MPs (both in the Senate and National Assembly).

It is also understood the PM was taken through how the PSC hit a brick wall on the method to be used in creating the electoral units at the Naivasha retreat. The meeting further dwelt on how the ODM team would handle the matter when PSC resumes its sittings this morning.

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